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Errors in the Kitchen
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the problem?
Don't overfill your refrigerator. The food will not be below 41 degrees.
What did they do wrong?
Wear gloves when you touch ready-to-eat food.
What's the problem?
Keep refrigerators below 41 degrees. This is is in the temperature danger zone.
What did they do wrong?
Change your gloves if you touch your face or phone or if you change tasks.
What's wrong?
Cook chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees.
What's the problem?
Don't eat food in the food prep area. Eat in the break area.
What did they do wrong?
Clean and sanitize your knife and cutting board after you change tasks.
What's wrong?
Don't let raw meat touch produce. This is cross-contamination.
What's the problem?
Replace your gloves if they are torn or dirty.
What did they do wrong?
Wash your hand for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water.
What's the problem?
Don't touch the rim or top of the plate. Hold plates at the bottom or wear gloves.
What did they do wrong?
Wear pants and close-toed shoes in the kitchen.
What's the problem?
Don't thaw meat at room temperature.
What's the problem?
Wear a hair net or keep your hair pulled back.
What's the problem?
Keep your nails short and clean. / Wear gloves to touch ready-to-eat food.
What did they do wrong?
Take off your apron before using the bathroom.
What did they do wrong?
Wash your hands after sneezing or coughing.