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Women's History Month in the Library

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This woman, who was the wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, has a literary award named in her honor.
Coretta Scott King
This famous female chemist discovered radium and won the Nobel prize twice!
Marie Curie
Katniss Everdeen is the fictional hero of which popular book series?
The Hunger Games
This fictional female sleuth, first publish in 1930, is still solving mysteries today!
Nancy Drew
This famous Egyptian queen, notable for her beauty, ruled from 51-30 B.C.E. and killed herself via snake ****.
This fictional female character LOVED to read, had terrible parents, could move things with her mind, and got rid of the Trunchbull.
Name three female authors.
This woman is the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Originally from Pakistan, she fights for women and girls' right to education world-wide.
Malala Yousafzai
This literary heroine has red hair, is an orphan, has a great imagination and just moved to Green Gables.
This girl wrote a diary while in hiding during World War II that has sold over 30 million copies in 70 languages.
Anne Frank