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Advanced vocabulary: adjectives + prepositions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm not familiar ____ how this website works
I'm not familiar WITH how this website works
They've never been fond ____ meeting online and prefer face to face
They've never been fond OF meeting online and prefer face to face
Young adults should be responsible ____ making their own decisions in life
Young adults should be responsible FOR making their own decisions in life
People have become too accustomed ____ spending hours in front of a screen
People have become too accustomed  TO  spending hours in front of a screen
Many people are dissatisfied ____ their mobile phone network
Many people are dissatisfied WITH their mobile phone network
People are becoming more suspicious ____ advertising
People are becoming more suspicious  OF  advertising
If TV programmes are unsuitable ____ children, they should be shown after 9 p.m
If TV programmes are unsuitable FOR children, they should be shown after 9 p.m
Couple aren't as keen ____ getting married as they used to be
Couple aren't as keen ON getting married as they used to be
Parents nowadays aren't aware ____ the negative effect of too much screen time
Parents nowadays aren't aware  OF  the negative effect of too much screen time
People are sick ____ being bombarded by depressing news
People are sick   OF  being bombarded by depressing news
Older people aren't always as open _____ new ideas as younger people are
Older people aren't always as open TO new ideas as younger people are
Some people are fed up ____ the amount of sport on TV
Some people are fed up WITH the amount of sport on TV
Many 30-year-olds are dependent ____ their parents
Many 30-year-olds are dependent ON their parents
Lots of teens are mad ____ football
Lots of teens are mad ABOUT football
Many young people are hooked ____ TicToc
Many young people are hooked ON TicToc
Many people are addicted ____ playing video games
Many people are addicted TO playing video games
Nowadays people are obsessed ___ social media
Nowadays people are obsessed WITH social media