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Birthday quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Since your last birthday how many earthquakes have their been?
What song was no1 in the uk on 5th Nov 1985
That’s the power of love, Jennifer rush
In the uk what birthday do you celebrate when coming of age?
What song was written in 1893 by 2 sisters?
“Happy Birthday to you”
Can you guess how many millions of people celebrate their birthday each day?
15 million
Can you guess how many million people celebrate their birthdays each day?
15 million
Jewish boys have a celebration on their 13th Birthdays...what is that celebration called?
Bar mitzvah
What is the most celebrated birthday on earth?
Christmas Day (Jesus birthday)
What is the most popular month to be born in?
August. 9% of the worlds birthdays are I’m august
What star sign would you be if you were born in June?
How old would you be if you received a letter from the queen?
Which uk country did the tradition of birthday cards start?
In the uk what Birthday do you have to have had before you can buy alcohol
Finish this sentence. My sweet.....?
If you were born on the 5th of November what star sign are you?
Name 2 ingredients in a Birthday cake?
Eggs, flour, sugar, butter, icing sugar, vanilla extract
Christmas Day is which very very well known mans birthday?
Traditionally in Mexican birthday parties they hit a piñata with a stick until what happens?
Sweeties fall out
Name 3 things you can find at a birthday party?
Balloons, cake, presents, food, alcohol, friends, decorations,
What desert is traditionally served on someone’s Birthday?