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Saint Patrick's Day AGT 2024

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why are rainbows associated with St. Patrick's Day?
A rainbow is a symbol of the covenant between God and the people on Earth that God would never flood or destroy the Earth again in the Noah and the Arc story. W
What animal did St. Patrick allegedly banish from Ireland?
Three-leafed shamrocks were believed to be used by Saint Patrick to explain what?
The Holy Trinity
______ and _________ are considered to be a traditional St. Patrick’s Day dish.
cabbage and corned beef
What was St. Patrick’s Day originally meant to celebrate?
It was a day honoring Saint Patrick for introducing Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century.
the tradition of a St. Patrick's Day parade began in ___
How many missionaries did Columba put together for his team?
Where did Columba found a monastery?
Isle of Iona
Who invaded Britain after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
Angles, Saxons, and Jutes
What message did Patrick receive in a life-changing dream?
Your ship is ready
What was Patrick forced to do as a slave?
How old was Patrick when his village was attacked?
Where was Patrick born?
Roman-controlled Britain