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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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5. He doesn’t do the chores. He plays the video games ______________.
5. He doesn’t do the chores. He plays the video games instead.
4. I like to sew clothes ___________ I don’t like to wash clothes.
4. I like to sew clothes but I don’t like to wash clothes.
3. He doesn’t play the guitar. He plays the drums ______________.
3. He doesn’t play the guitar. He plays the drums instead.
2. She can paint well _____________ she can’t cook.
2. She can paint well but she can’t cook.
1. He goes to the shop ___________ he doesn’t buy anything.
1. He goes to the shop but he doesn’t buy anything.
Many years ago, people didn’t have TV. They told stories _____________.
Many years ago, people didn’t have TV. They told stories instead.
Long ago, children walked to school, __________ today many children ride their bikes.
Long ago, children walked to school, but today many children ride their bikes.
12. She doesn’t use the pen to draw. She uses the pencil _______________.
12. She doesn’t use the pen to draw. She uses the pencil instead.
Helen bought an iPod ______________ she didn’t use it.
Helen bought an iPod but she didn’t use it.
10. The turtle can walk _____________ it can’t run.
10. The turtle can walk but it can’t run.
9. She doesn’t ride her bike. She walks to school ______________.
9. She doesn’t ride her bike. She walks to school instead.
8. I don’t have any cell phones ___________ I have video games.
8. I don’t have any cell phones but I have video games.
7. I don’t know how to make soap __________ I know how to tell stories.
7. I don’t know how to make soap but I know how to tell stories.
6. Long ago, they didn’t use electric lights. They used fire _______________.
6. Long ago, they didn’t use electric lights. They used fire instead.