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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I thought a thought, but the thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought
I thought a thought, but the thought wasn't the thought I thought I though
Thirty three thousand thoughtless boys thought they could make a thundering noise with their thirty three thousand drums
Thirty three thousand thoughtless boys thought they could make a thundering noise with their thirty three thousand drums
Thirty three thieves thought a thousand thoughts
Three thin thieves thought a thousand thoughts
This weather is rather soothing
This weather is rather soothing
Theo found a toothpick underneath the table
Theo found a toothpick underneath the table
Cynthia went to speech therapy thirty three times
Cynthia went to speech therapy thirty three times
My brother and father went to the ticket booth
My brother and father went to the ticket booth
Whether the weather be cold or wether the weather be hot we'll be together whatever the weather whether we like it or not
Whether the weather be cold or wether the weather be hot we'll be together whatever the weather whether we like it or not
Thad thought he had thirteen teeth
Thad thought he had thirteen teeth
They went to the theatre on Thursday
They went to the theatre on Thursday
Cathy caught three moths
Cathy caught three moths
Ethan did maths in the bath
Ethan did maths in the bath