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Name 3 animals that live in trees (no birds)
monkeys, koalas, squirrels, some pythos, some nsails, chameleons, lizards, some bats, etc.
Name 3 desert plants
cactus, joshua tree, yucca, brittlebush, creosote bush, succulents, etc
Name 3 animals that live in the rainforest
jaguar, poisom dart frogs, capybara, sloths, anacondas, okapi, lemurs, spider, monkeys, toucans, orangutangs, parrots, mountain gorilla, butterflies, etc
Name 3 singers in America
Taylor swift, Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Kelly Clarkson, Prince, Marvin Gaye, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Elvi
Name 3 fruits that grow on trees
apples, oranges, lemons, limes, apricosts, cherries, peaches, pears, pomegranate, mangoes, grapefruits, coconuts, persimmons, etc