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Gradable and ungradable adjectives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I was utterly / very / completely freezing when I went out this morning
utterly & completely
The view from the hillside was quite / very / completely amazing
quite &completely
My trip to India was really / so / totally interesting
reallyh & so
The food in that restaurant is really / utterly / quite bad
really & quite
The tour of the temples was absolutely good / brilliant / excellent
brilliant & excellent
I'm rather / utterly worried about flying for the first time
Visiting the Iguazu Falls was absolutely/ slightly amazing
Was she happy with the present? Yes, ...
Yes, she was delighted
Is the book interesting? Yes, ....
Yes, it's fascinating
Are the children hungry? Yes, ...
Yes, they're starving
Is the bedroom small? Yes, ...
Yes, it's tiny
Was the teacher angry? Yes, ...
Yes, she was furious
Are you afraid of snakes? Yes, ...
Yes, I'm terrified
Is the soup hot? Yes, ...
Yes, it's boiling
Are you sure that she is coming? Yes, ...
Yes, I'm positive
Were you surprised that she passed the test? Yes, ...
Yes, I was amazed
Is your suitcase big? Yes, ...
Yes, it's enormous
Was the flat dirty? Yes, ...
Yes, it was filthy
Were you tired after the exam? Yes, ...
Yes, I was exhausted
Was the film good? Yes, ...
Yes, it was fantastic
Is the water cold? Yes, it's...
Yes, it's freezing