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It's All In The Balance
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Definition - to put things in the ground to grow. What is the word?
Who made the garden out of balance?
Who brought the garden back in balance?
Definition - in or to all places. What is the word?
How would you describe the boy’s personality?
At the end of the story how did the villagers get their garden back to the way it was?
Definition - a dome-shaped or boxlike structure in which bees are kept. What is the word?
Describe how the garden was different after the creatures disappeared.
Why were the bees, birds, and butterflies gone?
Definition - shiny and smooth. What is the word
How would you describe the visitor’s personality?
What happened to the garden?
Definition - situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. What is the word?
What did the boy say to the villagers after they dug up the butterfly bushes?
Definition - A tool used to dig up the ground. What is the word?
How did the butterflies and the birds feel when the villagers dug up the garden?
Why did the visitor ask the villagers to dig the butterfly bushes?
Without the butterfly bushes there would be no caterpillars.
Definition - a feeling you get when you have done something really good. What is the word?
Did the visitor like the garde when he first saw it?
The visitor thought that the garden was beautiful.
Who is the Author of the book, It's All In The Balance?
The author is Susan Henderson.