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A sugar-free Easter

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where did he put the bunny?
He put the bunny in front of the DVD.
What did Billy put instead of a chocolate bunny?
Instead of a chocolate bunny, Billy put a stuffed rabbit.
Name four different things that Billy added to the child’s basket?
The DVD went in the middle. He added a colouring book and crayons, a pair of ladybug sunglasses, some stickers, and a set of three bunny pencils.
What is Charlene’s job in the shop?
Charlene's job in the shop is to take orders by phone. / a sales assistant
When Bill was a child, what did he use to get for Easter?
When Bill was a child, he used to get a nice dinner and sugar-free jelly for dessert.
What do diabetic children need to avoid in order to live a healthy life?
In order to live a healthy life, diabetic children need to avoid sugar.
5. What is the name of the shop?
The name of the shop is the Bunny Basket shop.
Diabetic children needn’t miss out on Easter fun; they just need different:
Why Bill couldn’t add a chocolate bunny to the child’s basket?
it was not a sugar-free treat
What can we say about Billy?
that he is diabetic
The purpose of this story is to:
give students ideas for a sugar-free Easter