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School Idioms Context Clues

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ms. Owens told us that good writers observe things carefully. She told us we could write better dialogue if we kept our "ears to the ground".
To pay attention to everything
To keep our ears clean
To tune everything out
My teacher said that if we can memorize our math facts, next year we'll be "ahead of the game"!
Someone who is more likely to succeed
Someone who is concentrating
Someone who loves board games
The research project took so long to create that we were "working our fingers to the bone".
Working really hard
To have arthritis
To relax
After the principal heard kids playing in the bathroom, we knew they would be "in hot water".
To be in trouble
To be given an award
To have a warm bath
When I brought a heavy volcano project to school, I asked Jake to "give me a hand".
To help someone
To give someone an award
To let someone work alone
Gabe goofed off so much that finally, Mr. Davis said, I'm "keeping an eye on you"!
I'm watching you
I need glasses
I'm ignoring you
Lily waited until the last minute to do everything. The night before the project was due, she had to "crank out a paper".
To quickly write or type a paper
To tear pieces of paper
To do your best writing
When my class started to chat, Mrs. Brents told us to pay attention since time was short, but we still had "to cover a lot of ground".
To go over new material or learn things
To hide what you know
To run all over the playground
Our class wasn't sure which kind of carnival book to create. We decided to "brainstorm" together.
To think of lots of ideas
To be confused
To have a headache due to a storm
Even Mr. Russell warned the class that hamsters can bite, Rachel put her finger in the cage. She had "to learn the hard way".
To learn from a bad experience
To learn from a book
To learn from an online course
After Kyle painted a dinosaur picture, a few classmates decided to "copycat" his idea.
To do the same as another person does.
Twin cats
An original thought or act.
When my class couldn't agree on a class pet, Miss Goh said we'd decide by using "a show of hands".
To raise your hand to vote.
To do sign language
To see if your hands are clean.
Sophie likes to read on a Kindle, but her brother is "old school" and prefers books you can hold.
Someone who likes old things better than new things
An older student
A school from long ago
After practicing long division for a few weeks, Mia said that it was as "easy as ABC!"
Something very easy
Something very challenging
Something you need to study
When Ms. Chandra asked Jordan a tough question, he sat quietly. It was like he "drew a blank".
To fail to remember.
To draw using a white crayon
To remember everything clearly
James was worried about the science text. He knew he would have to "hit the books" to do well.
To study hard
To visit the library
To be angry
Kasey studied each day but never was able to get top scores. Her parents were still proud and told her she got an "A for effort".
Someone who may not get the best grades but tries really har
Someone who is lazy
A straight "A" student
Anthony was too tired to go to school. He decided to pretend he was sick, so he could "play hooky".
To skip school
To go fishing
To play a new game
Keisha wanted to do well on the spelling test. She knew that if she "passed with flying colors", she might make the spelling bee team.
To get a high test score
To pass the pilot's exam
To know the names of many colors
Before practicing the class play, Mr. Perez told us that we needed to learn our lines "by heart".
To memorize something
To dream about your learning.
To study the human heart.
On the field trip, Mrs. Williams had to "count noses" over and over to make sure no one was lost.
To count how many people there are
To do your best in math
To use a lot of kleenex
The science test was the next day, so Michael decided he should "crack a book".
To open a book to study
To damage a book
To break a book's spine
Mallory visits the library often. Everyone says she's a real "bookworm".
Someone who loves to read
Someone who hates books
Someone who reads in the dark