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Saint Patrick´s Day!!

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Why are rainbows associated with St. Patrick's Day?
A rainbow is a symbol of the covenant between God and the people on Earth.
Was St. Patrick a saint?
No, Saint Patrick was never actually canonized by the Catholic Church
Three-leafed shamrocks were believed to be used by Saint Patrick to explain what?
The Holy Trinity
The most popular drink to have on St. Patrick’s Day is:
Saint Patrick wasn't actually Irish like many think. Where was he believed to have been born?
Where is the home of the biggest Saint Patrick’s Day celebration in South America?
Buenos Aires
Before becoming a priest, Saint Patrick was abducted and brought to Northern Ireland at what age?
What major Catholic holiday does St. Patrick’s Day occur during?
What was St. Patrick’s Day originally meant to celebrate?
It was a day honoring Saint Patrick for introducing Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century.
Do an Irish dance!
What mythological being is a part of St. Patrick's Day lore and Irish culture?
When is Saint Patrick´s Day celebrated?
March 17