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Native American Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are arrowheads made of?
Flint or obsidian
Why did the Bering Strait turn into a land brige 30,000 years ago?
It was during an Ice Age
What was a common difference between Native American tribes?
Different Languages
Similar clothing styles
Consistent settlement patterns
What is this showing?
The three sisters: corn, bean, and squash
What was the land brige called that Native Americans walked over on?
Bering Stait / Beringa
What was a common tool that was used to hunt animals with in many native cultures?
Bow and arrow
What was this mound made in the shape of?
A snake
What was culutural significance of mounds?
It was a burial ground and a community and Social Gathering place.
What is a close relative to Whooly Mammoths?
What was hand carved in many native american cultures?
Who sailed the great big blue in 1492
Christopher Columbus
What is a primary source?
An artifact or a person who experienced the event first hand
What animal is this?
Whooly Mammoth
What is a powwow?
A traditional Native American dance
A Native American political council
What is the name commonly used to describe the first peoples of North America?
Native Americans
What were the "three sisters"
Corn, Beans, and Squash
What is this?
An arrowhead
What is culture?
Beliefs, laguages, behaviors, customs, traditions, and way of life