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MPU speaking self introduction

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Adverbs describe a _____.
Give a set (3) of comparative adjectives.
Safe, safer, safest. Beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful. Strong, stronger, strongest. ....
What is the caption that goes with this image?
When you cut your hair and instantly regret it
With reference to the slide - what is the name of the cartoon featured in there?
Provide an example of the definite article?
What tense do you use when you describe yourself?
Simple present tense.
Which one is informal, A or B? (A) Catch you later! (B) Goodbye!
Which one is informal, A or B? (A) Hey, what's up? (B) Hi! How are things?
What 5 types information of yourself (other than your name and age) that you can include in a self introduction?
birthday, hobbies, family, jobs, favourite food/drink, sports, nationality, address .....
What do you say when you can't hear someone clearly?
I am sorry I missed that or I can't hear you. Could you please repeat?
Which one sounds more friendly, A or B? (A) You can call me Jim. (B) Please call me Jim.
Which one is more formal, A or B? (A) I am 20 years old. (B) I'm 20.
Which one is more formal, A or B? (A) I am from Malaysia. (B) I'm Malaysian.
Give another phrase similar in meaning to this one - I am a student.
I am still studying.
Give another phrase similar in meaning to this one - My birthday is on 10th of February. y.
I was born on the 10th of February.
Give another phrase similar in meaning to this one - There are five of us in my family.
My family has/consists of five people.
Give another phrase similar in meaning to this one - I am 21 years old.
I am in my early twenties.
What do you normally say when you meet someone new?
Hello, my name is .... How do you do?/Pleased to meet you.
What is the most important information that MUST be in a self introduction?
What is the time limit for a self introduction in IELTS speaking?
2 minutes