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3 Gorges Dam

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does the dam result in river channels that are much lower than the floodplain.
Surges of water (increased velocity) for HEP generation increases vertical erosion though hydraulic action
Other than reduced sediment for alluvium how can the dam affect farmers?
Less flood waters for irrigation
How is the dam good for the environment
Reduces the need for coal fueled power stations
When might the dam have to release water?
After heavy rain
Name a city in China suffering from subsidence
A reduction in sediment can result in the land sinking downstream, this is called.....
What Delta is shrinking from the lack of sediment?
The dam can have a negative economic effect on what group of people?
The dam prevents what material building up downstream?
How many million people does it protect from flooding?
100 million people
Before construction in 1931 Flooding along the Yangtze & Whang killed how many people?
How much MW of HEP does the dam create?
22,500 MW
How much did the dam cost?
$39 billion
What kind of zone was the dam built on?
Fault line
Which Yangtze wildlife/species was threatened from the dam development?
Yangtze river dolphin
How many archaeological sites were flooded
How many people had to relocate for the reservoir with little compensation.
13 million people