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Mass, Volume, and Density

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A graduated cylinder is filled with 45 mL of water. A rock is dropped into the graduated cylinder and the water rises to 57 mL of water. What is the volume of the rock?
12 cm3
What is the density of pure water?
1 g/mL
An object has a density of 2.12 g/mL. Will it sink or float in water?
An object has a density of 0.07 g/mL. Will this object sink or float in water?
A liquid has a mass of 40 g and a volume of 10 mL. What is its density?
4 g/mL
How do you calculate density?
Divide mass by volume (D= Mass/Volume)
To find the mass of a liquid, what would you do?
Subtract the mass of the container from the mass of the container + liquid
To find the mass of an object, what tool would you use?
Triple Beam Balance or Scale
To calculate the volume of an irregular object such as a rock, I would use a method called....
Displacement (water, graduated cylinder, subtraction)
To calculate the volume of a liquid, what tool would you use?
A Graduated cylinder
To calculate the volume of a regular solid such as a rectangular prism, I would have to do...
Length x Width x Height