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Passive voice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People are always asking me for help. I __________ help. (use BEING)
am always being asked
They've asked me to pay back the money. I _______ to pay back the money. (use BEEN)
have been asked
I get an allowanc eof about £20 a month. Each month, I _______ about £20. (use GIVEN)
was given
They only launched Twitter in 2006. Twitter ______ 2006. (use UNTIL)
wasn't launched until, had not been launched until
My sister made this pizza. This pizza _______ my sister. (use WAS)
was made by
This song _____ (not write)____ anyone famous.
wasn't written by, isn't written by
Tickets ______ (should / collect) before 8 pm at the receptionist.
should be collected
I think Bayern Munich _____(might / beat) in the final tomorrow night.
might be beaten
I _____(call)____ my coach yesterday because he had some good news.
was called by
This building _______(open) in 2013.
was opened
My phone bill _____(not pay) yet.
hasn't been paid, isn't paid
The Italian author ______(award) the prize ____ the judges.
was awarded, by
Your coffees _____(make) next.
are made
The world's first dishwasher _____(design)____ Josephine Cochrane in 1886.
was designed by
Someone has put away the plates and bowls. The plates and bowls ________.
have been put away
Teachers shouldn't give us homework for the holidays. We ________ homework for the holidays.
shouldn't be given
Someone was sorting the recycling. The recycling ________.
was being sorted.
An electrician is fixing the dishwasher right now. The dishwasher ________ right now.
is being fixed
They installed a new screen in our classroom. A new screen _______ in our classroom.
was installed