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Read with Me Kindergarten
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The dog can hop on the log.
The dog can hop on the log.
The car was red and black.
The car was red and black.
The quiz was not fun.
The quiz was not fun.
The chick can run quick.
The chick can run quick.
Thick and thin.
Thick and thin.
Chuck is the duck.
Chuck is the duck.
The cat can hug the dog.
The cat can hug the dog.
The ant is not fat.
The ant is not fat.
We see an apple.
We see an apple.
They are not to go on a ship.
They are not to go on a ship.
How do I make a hot dog?
How do I make a hot dog?
Josh has a car.
Josh has a car.
The dog has a cut.
The dog has a cut.
The ship can go.
The ship can go.
It is a big book.
It is a big book.
His cat is red.
His cat is red.
It is hot in the sun.
It is hot in the sun.
I see my bike.
I see my bike.
That is not ok.
That is not ok.
I am a mad cat.
I am a mad cat.
Can I go to the shop?
Can I go to the shop?