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Future Forms

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After the concert ______ (end), we ____ (eat) dinner. (present perfect / going to)
has ended / are going to eat
Once she ________ (finish) her studies, she _______ (lay) down and do nothing. (present perfect / will)
has finished / will lay
In 5 years from now, I ______ (live) in another city. (future continuous)
will be living
I can't believe that the concer ______ (be) on Friday. I'm so excited! (present simple)
Final exams .................... (start) next week. (present simple)
The restaurant ................ (open) at 20.00 tonight. (present simple)
Tom wants to lose 5 kg. He ..................... ( follow) a healthy diet in the next months. (going to)
is going to follow
I've booked a table at Milo's. We ................... (have) dinner at 9 pm. (present continuous)
are having
The price of electric cars .......................... (decrease) in some years. (will)
will decrease
The neighbours aren't home but I think they ................... (be) back soon. (will)
will be
My husband has rent a van and I've just packed our belongings. We .......................... (move) to our new house tomorrow afternoon. (future continuous)
will be moving
My aunt thinks her garden is empty. She ......................... (plant) some trees and flowers. (going to)
is going to plant
I can't see you next Saturday. My cousins and I ........................ (get) together. (present continuous)
are getting
According to my diary, I .................... (meet) the new employees at 2.30 p.m. (future continuous)
will be meeting
Samuel is putting sunscreen now. He ............................. (sunbathe). (going to)
is going to sunbathe
On Friday, they screen "Dear John" at 10 o´clock. My friends and I ...................... (watch) it. (present continuous)
are watching
Perhaps my best friend and I .................... (live) together one day. (will)
will live
Next week, I ...................... (wash) my motorbike. It's a little bit dirty. (going to)
am going to wash
In that cake, it says "Happy Birthday Sarah". They ....................... (celebrate) Sarah's birthday today. (going to)
are going to celebrate
In 2030 Spanish people ................. (eat) insects. (will)
will eat
We ....................... (visit) the Art Museum next Thursday. I've just bought the tickets! (present continuous)
are visiting
My little sister says she .................... (become) famous. (will)
will become
Why don't you join me? I ......................... (go) for a walk this afternoon. (going to)
am going to go
I think our team .................... (win) the match. (will)
will win
She looks very tired. She ............................. (fall) asleep. (going to)
is going to fall
They ................ (fly) to London on Friday evening at 8.15. (present continuous)
are flying