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Spring Multiple Meaning Words

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He stood on the river BANK. What does BANK mean?
The edge of a body of water
A place with money
Used in a game
I wanted a dog so that I could have COMPANY. What does COMPANY mean?
to have someone or a pet with you
to work for a business
to work alone
My favorite snack is DATES. What does DATES mean?
the fruit
to go to dinner with someone
the day of the week
I had to SQUASH the potatoes to make mashed potatoes. What does SQUASH mean?
to flatten something
a vegetable, like a pumpkin
to build something
They told me that they could HANDLE it. What does HANDLE mean?
that they can get something done
something you can use to open a door/drawer
a doorway
Everyday he wrote in his reading LOG. What does LOG mean?
a chart you can write things in
a piece of wood
a type of shoe
The girl told her friend that her dad works in a MINE. What does MINE mean?
an area underground
that something belongs to me
Something that belongs to you
They used the MOLD to create their clay project. What does MOLD mean?
something that turns something into a certain shape
stuff that grows on old food
a type of flower
It is almost time when she usually LEAVES. What does LEAVES mean?
when someone exits the room
what falls from trees in the fall
when someone comes into the room
They used to be PUPILS at our school. What does PUPILS mean?
a part of our eyes
a classroom
The paper falling off the table caused a lot of RACKET. What does RACKET mean?
a lot of noise
something used in tennis
a game
I enjoy playing POOL with my cousins. What does POOL mean?
a game played on a certain table
something you can swim in
something big
He missed his friends' birthday party and it made him feel BLUE. What does BLUE mean?
a color
In order to complete the construction, the workers needed to BORE a hole. What does BORE mean?
to use a tool
to hold something
We sat by the river and watched the duck's swimming by. The duck's BILL was yellow. What does BILL mean?
their beak
the cost of something
the water