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6a, Unit 7_Revision before the test
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me the bottle, .................?
will you
Let's go to the park, .....?
shall we?
I am ready, .............?
aren't I?
Agree. Use: so or neither. I took it without asking.
So did I.
Agree. Use so or neither. She hasn't finished her task.
Neither have I.
Agree. Use: so or neither. I'm going to to the beach.
So am I.
Agree. Use 'so' or 'neither/nor'. I can sing.
So can I.
The theatre play wasn't interesting, ....?
was it
You haven't travelled to Asia, ............?
have you
They took part in a game show, ............. ?
didn't they
Tom is a good friend, ............ ?
isn't he
Prediction? Arrangement? Fixed Event? My friend is having a party next Sunday.
It's an arrangement.
Prediction?plan? arrrangement? fixed event?: Are you going to see Ana later?
It's a plan/intention.
Arrangement: We ............... our new school in July. (start)
are starting
Prediction: What time .............. go home?
will you
Plan: He................ hire a DJ for the party.
is going to
The shop ............. at 9 p.m.
The train ....... at 5.
The film ....... at 3.
Party vocab., organise ....
a party, the food
Party Vocab., send out .........
the invitations
Party vocab., .............. the guest list
draw up
Party Vocab., hire.....
a DJ
Name 4 future expressions.
next week, before too long, in 2 weeks' time, the day after tomorrow