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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make the sentence into Passive. They’ll make an announcement tomorrow.
The announcement will be made tomorrow.
Make the sentence using the passive form. They can’t find the missing girl anywhere.
The missing girl cannot be found anywhere.
Make the sentence using the passive form. Are they following him now?
Is he being followed at the moment?
Make the sentence using the passive form. Has anyone ever told you that you have lovely eyes?
Have you been ever told that you have lovely eyes?
Make the sentence using the passive form. Did someone give you those lovely flowers?
Were you given those lovely flowers?
spoken) a) I won a prize in an online competition. b) A prize was won by me in an online competition.
Tick the sentences that are most appropriate. In one question, both are possible . notice on the wall ) a) You aren’t allowed to smoke here. b) Smoking is not allowed here.
( spoken) a) Their parents have given them a lot of presents. b) A lot of presents have been given to them by their parents.
Tick the sentences that are most appropriate. (celebrity magazine) a) The academy nominated the actress Mirta Street for two fi lm awards last year. b) The actress Mirta Street was nominated for two fi lm awards last year.
Tick the sentences that are most appropriate. ( TV news item ) a) They predict there will be a 2% rise in temperatures next year. b) A 2% rise in temperatures is predicted next year.
Tick the sentence that is most appropriate. 1 ( spoken) a) They’re giving me a promotion at work. b) A promotion is being given to me at work.