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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Superlative: Large
the largEST
Superlative: Spectacular
THE MOST spectacular
Superlative: Colourful
THE MOST colourful
Superlative: Difficult
THE MOST difficult
Superlative: Extraordinary
THE MOST extraordinary
Superlative: Comfortable
THE MOST comfortable
Superlative: Unsual
THE MOST unusual
Superlative: Rough
Superlative: Elegant
Superlative: Wonderful
Superlative: Ideal
Equality: Isolated
Equality: Lively
Equality: Arrogant
Equality: Pleasant
Equality: Peaceful
Equality: Calm
Equality: White
Equality: Soft
Equality: Legal
Equality: Expensive
Equality: Intelligent
Too: Different
Too: Exciting
Too: Relaxing
Too: Amazing
Enough: Nervous
Enough: Disgusting
Enough: Unhappy
Enough: Tasty
Enough: Dull
Comparative: Toxic
Comparative: Useless
Comparative: Full
Comparative: Abroad
Comparative: Safe
Comparative: Polluted
Comparative: Dirty
Comparative: Crowded
Comparative: Huge
Comparative: Far
Comparative: Dangerous
Comparative: Unreliable
Comparative: Together
Comparative: Small
Comparative: Uncomfortable
Comparative: Smelly
Comparative: Slow
Comparative: Long