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USHB Unit 15 Test Review

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Television affected the American public's views on the Vietnam war - true or false?
What was the space race?
A struggle between the USSR and the US to see who could conquer space exploration first.
Often considered the most liberal Supreme Court in history - 1953-1969. Expanded civil rights and liberties
Warren Court - examples - Tinker v. Des Moines, Miranda v. Arizona
This ruling protects the 5th Amendment (self-incrimination) and the 6th Amendment (right to counsel).
Miranda v. Arizona
The key goal was to make possible women’s participation in all aspects of American life and to gain for them all the rights enjoyed by men.
National Organization for Women (NOW)
The idea that men and women should be treated equally in all areas of public life.
The primary goal of this was to complete the national goal set by JFK of putting a man on the moon.
Apollo 11
What was the Supreme Court's ruling in Tinker v. Des Moines?
It protected students and protestors rights to free speech in public schools.
This addressed the criticism of the civil rights movement - and justified civil disobedience as a response.
Letter from Birmingham Jail
This established Medicare, a program to pay the medical expenses of those 65 and older.
Social Security Act of 1965
LBJ's government programs to secure economic opportunities and civil rights for all.
The "Great Society"
This policy allowed the US to respond to communist aggression with a variety of diplomatic, political and military strategies.
Flexible Response
This agency recruited young idealistic people to work on humanitarian projects throughout the world.
Peace Corps
The term for JFK's vision of extending social and economic programs of FDR.
The "New Frontier"
A conflict where combatants seek to 'wear down' the enemy by prolonging the war.
War of Attrition
These were top secret documents leaked to the press in 1971 that revealed the US governments military strategy differed from what the public was told.
Pentagon Papers
This was an anti-personnel weapon used to burn away heavy foliage or jungle in Vietnam.
This was the geographical area separating N. Vietnam and S. Vietnam where both sides agreed to withdraw forces.
Demilitarized Zone - DMZ
Trail that the N. Vietnamese military used to supply the Viet Cong in the south. Trail went through N. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and S. Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Group in South Vietnam that fought for communism again S. Vietnam and the U.S.
A communist group formed by Ho Chi Minh to free Vietnam from the French Empire and unify Vietnam under communism.
Creator and leader of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh
Opposed MLK's peaceful protests, advocated black power and self - defense.
Malcolm X
Civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the US Supreme Court.
Thurgood Marshall
This was established to improve educational and employment opportunities for groups that had been victims of past discrimination.
Affirmative Action
This was proposed to guarantee equal rights for all US citizens regardless of gender. It was never ratified.
The Equal Rights Amendment
This is a culture that develops in opposition to the dominant culture of a society.
This was written by Rachel Carson and helped catapult environmentalism during the 1960s.
Silent Spring
This was established to prevent "future Vietnams" and essentially revoked the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
War Powers Act
This policy's goal was to transition conflict in Vietnam from US troops to South Vietnamese troops.
Which amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18?
26th Amendment
This gave President Johnson the authority to send troops into Vietnam with out Congress' approval.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
This divided Vietnam into communist north and anti-communist Republic of Vietnam in the south.
17th Parallel
Southern Democrats who opposed the advances made by the civil rights movement.
This would eventually help end segregation in education and public accommodations.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This prohibited laws that discriminated against voters based on their race.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Helped organize and lead the United Farm Workers group to expose the poor treatment of farm workers.
Cesar Chavez
This is a refusal to purchase goods and services from a company as a form of protest
A boycott
This political group was formed in 1966 and fought against capitalism and white racism.
The Black Panthers
He opposed discrimination against blacks by nonviolent resistance. Nobel Prize winner in 1964.
Martin Luther King Jr.
What was the main goal of the March on Washington in 1963?
To pressure JFK to follow through on his campaign promises regarding civil rights.
This group was responsible for many sit - ins, sleep - ins and read - ins during the Civil Rights movement.
The SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
How did civil rights activists react towards segregated restaurants and lunch counters?
With sit -ins.