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Charles Darwin

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Mary Anning's work paved the way for future generations of scientists to...
...understand the history of life on Earth
How did Mary Anning contribute to the understanding of prehistoric life?
She unearthed numerous complete dinosaur skeletons.
Why was Mary Anning not recognized for her contributions during her lifetime?
Her work was overshadowed by male scientists who published her findings.
In which period and in which field did Mary Anning conduct her pioneering work?
In the 19th century in Paleontology
How are fossils used to support Darwin’s theory of evolution?
Fossils of the simplest organisms are found in the oldest rocks, and fossils of more complex organisms in the newest rocks.
What is a fossil?
It is the preserved remains of a dead organism from millions of years ago.
Why were some scientists reluctant to change their minds about the ideas of creationism?
1.it challenged the idea that God made all animals and plants; 2.there was insufficient evidence; 3.mechanism of inheritance and variation was still unknown
How are characteristics passed on to the next generation in Darwin's theory?
The characteristics that have enabled individuals to survive are passed on to the next generation through reproduction.
How does natural selection work according to Darwin's theory?
Individuals with characteristics most suited to the environment are more likely to survive to breed successfully through natural selection
What was the title of the book where Darwin’s ideas about evolution were published in 1859?
The Origin of Species
Why did Darwin wait 28 years after his voyage to publish his scientific work and ideas?
To ensure it was backed by many years of experimentation and discussions with other scientists.
How did Darwin's theory of evolution challenge commonly held Christian views of his era?
His theory of evolution challenged the idea that God made all animals and plants on Earth, contradicting commonly held Christian views.
Which continents did Darwin visit on the ship HMS Beagle?
He visited four continents: South America, Africa, Australia and Europe.
What did Charles Darwin study during his five-year voyage around the world?
He studied variation in plants, animals, and fossils