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China Water Management

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which Cities Population has doubled since 1980?
Who has installed water-saving devices?
State organisisations & homes
What city's public buildings store rainwater
What are used to save water in rice fields?
Soil monitors
What type of crops do they use?
Drought resistant
What is mixed into the soil to help retain soil moisture?
What is the benefits of lining irrigation channels?
Reduces Evapotranspiration
How much of China's water is used for irrigation in Agriculture?
How many People had to relocate for the South to Nothern Water Scheme?
What was the issue with the Southern water being polluted?
Lots of energy to transfer and clean-expensive
What ended up being wrong with the water from the South?
Polluted from industry and agriculture
How much water was the scheme going to bring from the South to the North?
45bil cubic metres
How much did the South-North Water Transfer Scheme cost?
Name a city on the east side of China
What percentage of Chinese Lakes suffer from eutrophication
What % of Chinese rivers are polluted?
Rapid economic growth in China was due to?
What part of Agriculture pollutes rivers?
2/3 of how many cities in China have water shortages?