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Bob - Chapter 4

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Livy leave on the floor for Bob before she falls asleep? (hard)
beans, chips, and an orange drink
What does Livy's mom find on the floor in her room?
When Livy was little her mother told her not to go near the....
What kind of book did Bob have in the closet with him?
A dictionary
What is a zombie?
A dead body brought back to life
What is one thing Bob says he knows?
His name
What's Livy's name short for?
Name one problem the drought causes Gran
she couldn't keep her horses, they must share water, her grass can't grow, they need to brush their teeth in a special way
What did grandma show Livy to help her remember?
A Green Elephant, a bag of chess pieces, a tape recorder
What kind of costume does Bob wear?
A chicken costume
Which best describes Bob?
green, short, no hair, white teeth
blue skin, tall, very hairy
green, very hairy, yellow teeth
pink, lots of arms, looks like a chicken
What will mom do while Livy stays with grandma?
Visit her old friends
What is something Bob did *NOT* do while waiting for Livy?
Play piano
Count to 987,654,321
Build a Lego pirate ship
What is Beth Ann's "job"?
Where is Livy from? (state)
Where is Livy from? (country)
Where is Gran from?
What is the name of Livy's baby sister?
Beth Ann
Why is Bob mad at Livy?
She forgot his name
How long has it been since Livy was at Gran's house?
5 years
Where did Livy find Bob?
In the closet
Livy and Bob think Bob is a....