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Future tenses

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't know what to do. I think I ......... (send) a message to Marion before I talk to her.
will send
I'm sorry. We can't come at 10 o'clock. We ....... (meet) a veterinary doctor because of our cat.
are meeting
Have you heard the news? Our boss ...... (promote) Irene to a group manager next month.
is going to promote
Madam, wait a minute. I .......... (help) you with the luggage. It's too heavy.
will help
I'm sorry, I can't eat anything today. I ........... (have) an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.
am having
The flight number BA 308 from London to Los Angeles ......... (leave) at 11.15.
I ......... (go) to the cinema with Sarah, my classmate, tonight. We already have tickets.
am going
Hannah, you must take an umbrella. It ........ (rain) .
is going to rain
The play....... (start) at 6 o'clock.
Mother ........... (go) to the supermarket tonight. She has already made her shopping list.
is going
I ........ (help) you carry your shopping.
will help
Tom expects he ......(get) a pay rise soon.
will get
Jenny ......... (see) Paul at work, so she can give him the letter.
will be seeing (will see / is going to see)
This time next week, they ........... (lie) on a sandy beach.
will be lying
I'm afraid I ......... (fail) my exams this year.
will fail
My grandmother is very old. She ...... (be) ninety next month.
will be