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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Someone who always cries at wedding, cinema, etc.
emotional, sentimental
Someone who never gives presents
tight-fisted, stingy, a scrooge
Someone who never changes their mind even when in the wrong
stubborn, obstinate, closed-minded
Someone who brags about themselves a lot
arrogant, big-headded, conceited
Someone who is easy to get on with
friendly, easy-going
Someone who doesn't like talking about their achievements
modest, unassuming
Someone who hurts animals or people
cruel, mean
Someone who thinks good things will happen
optimistic, positive
Someone who makes you laugh all the time
funny, humorous, silly
Someone who always arrives late for meetings, etc.
unpunctual, unreliable
Someone who never things of others' feelings
uncaring, insensitive, selfish
Someone who keeps things tidy
neat, organised, efficient
Someone who likes making things
creative, artistic
Someone who makes you yawn
boring, uninteresting, dull
Someone who never smiles
moody, bad-tempred,grumpy, miserable
Someone who keeps to themsleves
introverted, withdrawn
Someone who goes to a lot of parties
outgoing, sociable, gregarious
Someone who thinks bad things will happen
pessimistic, negative
Someone who always drops/breaks things
Someone who keeps losing things
careless, forgetful, absent minded