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Animal Riddles

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I have two legs. I lay eggs and you eat my eggs in the moring. I live on the farm. I cluck.
chicken / hen
I live on the farm. You can eat me. I am white. I give wool.
I’m a pet. I am orange. I live in a bowl. I can swim.
I eat grass. I live in Africa. I am black and white. I look like a horse.
I live in the house. I love cheese. I am small and grey. Cats eat me.
I live on the farm. I have horns. I moo. I give milk.
I am small. I have feathers.  I can  fly.
I have four legs. You can ride me.  I have a very long nose. I am very big.
I can swim. I can’t fly. I eat fish. I am a bird. I am black and white.
I eat carrot. I can run fast. I have long ears.
I have four legs. I am a pet. I don't like cats. I bark.