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Transfer of Heat Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do you think metals like aluminum and copper are used in making pots?
Metals are good conductors of heat
You like to play outside during summer day, which shirt would you wear in order to stay cool while playing?
A white shirt because it reflects the sun’s energy
What do you call to the moving particles of matter?
Kinetic Energy
How does heat transfer occur through convection?
Warm liquid rises and replaced by cooler liquid which will be heated in return
What causes rising warm air which contributes to our weather?
Why are plastics, rubber, and wood used as handles of some kitchen utensils?
They are used as handles of some kitchen utensils because they are insulators.
How does heat transfer from one object to another?
from warmer to colder objects
What do you call the transfer of thermal energy from one material to another by electromagnetic radiation?
In what phase of matter do heat transfer during the convection process?
in gases and liquids
How does energy flow when you touch a piece of ice with your finger?
Energy flows from your finger to the ice
Which of the following methods of heat transfer is NOT taking place in the given situation?
Which of the following explains why the lady is able to hold the handle of the panwith her bare hands?
I and III only
In what direction does the heat travel through the soup?
From bottom to top
How does heat travel through the soup?
How does the heat travel through the pan?