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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Books _______to their place before you leave the library. A. must be returning B. must be returned C. may return D. must return
B. must be returned
That’s my friend, _______________ comes from Japan. A. which B. who C. whom D. where.
Aston Hospital_______(build) in 1995
Aston Hospital was built in 1995
A. apartment B. equipment C. quality D. pollution (stress)
C. quality
Last week I went to see the house ___ which I used to live. (A.in- B.for- C. off D of
Last week I went to see the house in which I used to live.
You didn’t tell us the reason _______which we have to cut down our daily expenses. (A.for-B.on-C.in-D.at)
You didn’t tell us the reason for which we have to cut down our daily expenses.
The student _____ sits next to me is from China. (who-which-whom-of which)
The student who sits next to me is from China.
The **** Lisa______(paint) by Leonardo Da Vinci.
The **** Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Paris/ city/ I/where/ grew up/is/the. (rearrange)
Paris is the city where I grew up.
After the earthquake destroyed the town, it took ten years for the whole area to be___ . (BUILD) (word-form)
3. A. damage B. release C. livestock D. mixture (stress)
B. release
We can help protect the environment by saving electricity and water. ( opposite of saving) A spending B. closing C. wasting D. opening
C. wasting
Her grandfather, …….. is 75, often takes exercise. A. what B. who C. where D. which
B. who
The street is named _______________the famous South African leader, Nelson Mandela. A. after B. for C. at D.with
A. device B. country C. design D. guitar (stress)
B. country
New York is the place which I was born and grew up. (find the mistake)
New York is the place where I was born and grew up.