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FAM2A U1-5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Has she got eighty?
No, she hasn't
Has she got eighty?
Yes, she has
Has he got seventy?
Yes, he has
Has he got seventy?
No, he hasn't
fifteen / got / not / has / she
She hasn't got fifteen
forty / he / has / got
He has got forty
What school room is it?
What school room is it?
computer room
What school room is it?
art room
What school room is it?
sports field
What school room is it?
What have we got on Monday?
We've got English on Monday
What have we got on Tuesday?
We've  got Mathsh on Tuesday
When have we got music? (Wed)
We've got Music on Wednesday
What are these?
School rooms
What are these?
she / got / has / small / not / numbers
She hasn't got small numbers
not / a pizza / have / they / got
They haven't got a pizza
have / I / got / cheese sandwich
I have got cheese sandwich
What they got water?
No, they haven't
Have you got a salad?
No, I haven't
Have we got pizza?
No, we haven't
What is this?
Outdoor activities
Can they play football?
Yes, they can
Can they play football?
No, they can't
What is this?
What is this?
brave / they / are
They are brave / They're brave
What are these?
School things
What is this?
What have we got on Thursday?
We've got Art on Thursday
What have we got on Friday?
We've got Science on Friday
When have we got PE? (Sat and Sun)
We've got PE on Saturday and Sunday
Have you got tomatoes?
No, I haven't
Have you got carrots?
No, I haven't
Have you got apples?
Yes, I have
twenty / he / has /got
He has got twenty
Has he got one hundred?
Yes, he has
Has she got thirty?
Yes, she has
Have we got chicken?
Yes, we have
Have you got fries?
Yes, I have
Where is the apple?
the apple is between the boxes
where is the cat?
the cat is  behind the box
Where is the ball ?
The ball is next to the dog
where is the elephant?
The elephant is in front of the chair
skate / ? / she / can
Can she skate?
skateboard / can / they / not
They can't skateboard / They can not skateboard
horse / she / ride / a / can / ?
Can she ride a horse
Can she ride a bike?
Yes, she can
boy / the / cold / is.
The boy is cold
Is the boy hot?
No, he isn't. He is cold/ He's cold
Is she scared?
Yes, she is
Are they sad ?
Yes, they are
are / they / not / ....  .
they aren't happy / they are not happy
are / we / thirsty
We are thirsty / we're thirsty
Are they hungry ?
No, they aren't
Are they hungry?
Yes, they are
tired / is/ she
She is tired / She's tired
Is she happy?
Yes, she is
How many CD players are there?
8 CD players / there are 8 CD players
drawers / these / are
These are drawers
are / those / cupboards
Those are cupboards
this / pencil case / is /a
This is a pencil case
is / that / table / a
That is a table
What is that?
That is a computer
What is this?
This is a classroom
What is those?
Those are pegs
What are these?
These are pictures