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Types of Paragraphs

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Challenge: What state is Mr. Phillips from? (must be spelled correctly)
North Dakota
Mr. Evans' two passions are ____________. 1. working out at the gym & teaching 2. buying shoes & going to rap concerts 3. grading students' papers and
2. buying shoes & going to rap concerts
What does Mr. G eat for lunch almost every day? 1. salad and yogurt 2. a sandwich and chips 3. soup
1. salad and yogurt
What dish does Mrs. Archana like to make for Mr. Phillips? 1. Mac & Cheese 2. Idly and Mint Chutney 3. Mrs. Archana doesn't cook.
2. Idly and Mint Chutney
Which topic sentence could be used in a persuasive paragraph? 1. Nick Allen, a fifth-grade student, lives in New Hampshire. 2. Frindle, a book by Andrew Clements, sold 100,000 copies last year. 3. Mrs. Granger is an amazing teacher!
3. Mrs. Granger is an amazing teacher!
Which topic sentence could be used in a narrative paragraph? 1. Last week, my family got a dog! 2. There are my different breeds of dogs. 3. Doberman Pinschers are the best breed of dogs.
1. Last week, my family got a dog!
Which topic sentence could be used in an informative paragraph? 1. Dogs are cool. 2. Dogs are omnivores. 3. Dogs are the best pets!
2. Dogs are omnivores.
When using a sheet of lined paper to write a paragraph, the holes should be on the (left, right) side.
When writing a paragraph, you should ALWAYS _____________________ the first line of the paragraph. (shift to the right)
The aim of this type of paragraph is to try and convince the reader to have the same opinion as the author.
Persuasive Paragraph
The aim of this type of paragraph is to give the reader facts and information about a certain topic. ONLY FACTS
Informative Paragraph
The aim of this type of paragraph is to tell a story or give a sequence of events.
Narrative Paragraph
Finish the "equation." _______________ = information, facts
informative or inform
Finish the "equation." _________________ = story
Finish the "equation." ___________________ = convince, opinion