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A letter to a sailor - Macmillan Unit 9 pg 78

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is Harry younger than Tom? How do you know?
Yes, Harry is younger than Tom because he is still at school.
Who has been to Africa? What did he see there?
Jim has been to Africa. He saw the elephants; the biggest animals in the world.
Does Tom like being a sailor? How do you know?
Yes, Tom likes being a sailor because he is having the most exciting adventures.
Tom did not touch the red fish because
it was poisonous.
Tom could not sleep on the night of the storm because
because he was frightened.
The sailors took the sails down because
they saw lightning.
Who is Tom's friend?
Tom's friend is Jim.
Who said? "Those spines are dangerous?
The fish seller said those words.
Who was frightened of the storm?
Tom was frightened of the storm.
Who gave the orders on the ship?
The captain gave the orders on the ship.
Who is the letter to?
The letter is to Harry.
Who wrote the letter?
Tim wrote the letter.