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1st and 2nd Conditionals B2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Supposing you had to take the B2 First exam tomorrow, do you think you ....... (be) ready?
would be
You ........ (be able to) enrol on that accountancy course unless you have passed your maths and economics exams.
won't be able to
As long as everyone in the group ........ (do) what they’re supposed to, we should win the best project award.
What if someone offered .......... to do your assignment for you? Would you accept?
The school fun run will take place on Sunday, assuming it .............. (not rain)
doesn't rain
I will fail this exam unless a miracle .............. (happen)!
As soon as I .......... (finish) my homework, I’m going out to play football.
Provided he achieves his predicted grades, William ............ (start) college in September
will start
I ..... my job if I could afford to
would quit
You'll ...... to get a vise if you want to study in China
I ......... to play the guitar if I had the time
would learn
if you .............hard, you won't be able to get the grades you want
don't work
I would ....... a gym, if I didn't have classes all the time
If I ......my exam, I will be really happy