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Present Tenses Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Spot the mistake: Museums close earlier lately.
Museums are closing earlier lately.
Spot the mistake: The view to the museum looks / is looking amazing from the bridge.
The view to the museum looks amazing from the bridge.
Spot the mistake: The tourist guide have helped me find the way.
The tourist guide HAS helped me find the way.
Choose the correct option: At the moment I revise / am revising Grammar.
At the moment I am revising Grammar
Choose the correct option: Visitors come / have come to visit the museum since the 1980's.
Visitors HAVE COME to visit the museum since the 1980's.
People ... (visit) the Dungeon more often this season.
People are visiting the Dungeon more often this season.
Besides the regular opening hours, the Dungeon sometimes also .... (open) at night.
Besides the regular opening hours, the Dungeon sometimes also opens at night.
The London Dungeon ...(lie) in the oldest part of London.
The London Dungeon lies in the oldest part of London.
The museum .... (take) its visitors on a journey through England's history.
The museum takes its visitors on a journey through England's history.
.... you ever..... (eat) a pizza with fingers and eyeballs on it?
Have you ever eaten a pizza with fingers and eyeballs on it?