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Human Reproductive System

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Why are the testes located outside of the body?
***** need a lower temperature to survive.
It is where the egg cell waits for the sperm cell to fertilized it.
Fallopian tubes or oviduct.
The skin that covers the Testes
The age wherein the male and female experiences changes in their body and the reproductive organd starts to mature.
It is the stage of the menstrual cycle when the egg cell is released.
It is the union of the egg cell and spermcell
How many chromosomes do we get from each of our parents?
23 chromosomes each parent
It is also called the developing zygote
It is also called the fertilized egg cell
It is where the fertilized egg cell is implanted.
It is also known as the female gametes
ova or egg cell
This stores the mature sperm cells
It is the Female Gonads
It is the Male Gonads
Testes or Testicles
The male gamete is called?
Sperm Cell