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World War III

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There was no participation of women as soliders in WWII. True or False? If False, what is their role?
False. Mainly pilots and mechanics.
An action of serious cruelty to the Jews is called
the Holocaust
After WWII, a global united orgnisation was formed. What is it?
the United Nations
Who was the president of the US when Japan surrendered? Hints : same name as me
Harry S. Truman
Great Britain, the USSR, the US are______
the Allied Power
In what political belief is the individual less important than the nation ?
Who is this man ?
Adolf Hitler - Germany
When did WWII end ?
Name a few countries that followed Fascism ?
Italy, Germany, Japan, Spain
How many people died in WWII? ( from 50 million - 100 million )
70 million
Did Australia participate in WWI and why ?
Yes, because the UK joined in.
In which year did World War I start ?