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DENGUE FEVER Tuesday and Thursday

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence: I have a ______________________. My head pains a lot.
Complete the sentence: I have a terrible pain behind my ______________. I hope it's not dengue fever.
pain behind my EYES
What causes dengue fever?
An infected mosquito bites a person
What is this dengue fever symptom?
Based on the picture, how can we prevent the dengue fever?
Remove waste tires
Based on the picture, how can we prevent the dengue fever?
Remove water from plant saucers
Based on the picture, how can we prevent the dengue fever?
Cover water containers
Based on the picture, how can we prevent the dengue fever?
Remove standing water
Based on the picture, how can we prevent the dengue fever?
Use a mosquito repellent
What is this dengue fever symptom?
What is this dengue fever symptom?
Abdominal pain
What is this dengue fever symptom?
Nose bleeding
What is this dengue fever symptom?
Joint and muscle pain
What is this dengue fever symptom?
What is this dengue fever symptom?
Pain behind the eyes
What is this dengue fever symptom?
High Fever
What is this dengue fever symptom?
What is this dengue fever symptom?