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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the most popular Christmas gift in Iceland?
A book
What do the colors of the Icelandic flag mean?
Blue - Sea; White - Ice; Red - Fire
What natural phenomena can be found in Iceland?
Northern lights, geyser, volano erruption,...
Name 3 animal species that live in Iceland
Sheep, whale, Islandic horse
Do they grow bananas in Iceland?
No, but there's an university experiment on growing bananas.
What is the name of Iceland's most famous sculptor?
Einar Jonsson
Name one traditional Icelandic dish
Plokkfiskur – Fish Stew; Hangikjöt – Smoked Lamb; Harðfiskur – Dried Fish
What does Reykjavik mean?
Bay of Smokes
What is the capital od Iceland
What is the population of Iceland?
400 000
What magical beings live in Icaland?
Trolls, elves, ..
How to say Good Morning in Icelandic?
Góðan daginn