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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Who does the monster **** and why?
William Frankenstein, Henry Clerval and Elizabeth Lavenza. The motive is revenge
Who was thought to be the author of Frankenstein at the time?
Mary Shelley's husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley
What ultimately leads to Victor's death?
Illness and exhaustion
How does Elizabeth meet her demise?
She is strangled by the monster
Why does Victor destroy the female monster he was creating?
He gets disgusted with his work
How does the monster get Victor to agree to create a female companion for him?
By threatening to **** Victor
Why does the monster feel doubly rejected by the De Laceys?
They stop visiting the old man after meeting him
What kind of scientific breakthrough does Frankenstein achieve?
He figures out how to bring something to life
What is the narrative structure of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein?
The novel is framed as a series of letters and narratives within narratives
What situation led to the writing of the novel?
a gathering with friends in Lord Byron's cottage in Switzerland
How old was Mary Shelley when she wrote Frankenstein'
What kind of a novel is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?
epistolary/Gothic novel
What does Captain Walton hope to achieve by taking his ship into the Arctic Ocean?
Make important scientific discoveries
What is the name of the young man whose ship is stranded in the Arctic Ocean at the beginning of the story?
Captain Walton