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Science Animals Through Time Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does habitat mean?
The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
What does extinct mean?
A species having no living members; no longer in existence.
What does trait mean?
Traits are your physical characteristics, like your hair or eye color.. Most traits are passed down from parents.
True or False: All of our animals today, are the exact same as the animals that lived 100s of years ago.
True or False: Dinosaurs were all carnivores.
True or False: Dinosaurs laid eggs.
I get my light brown hair color from my mom, but in the summer my hair becomes much lighter and blonder. How is that possible?
Some traits can change. The sun changed my hair color by lightening it.
Do all children from the same parents, always look the same with the exact same traits?
If Nevada's desert habitat changed to a snowy artic habitat, would we still have all the same plants and animals?
Name 1 way that animals help each other when living in a group.
Gather food, protection, help with young
What do omnivores eat?
Both plants and meat
What do herbivores eat?
What do carnivores eat?
Name a trait that you got from your parent(s).
Answer will vary
What are fossils?
Fossils are the remains or traces of plants and animals that lived long ago, such as bones, imprints, and eggs.
True of False: There are many types of dogs because people choose to breed dogs based on traits they wanted.
How were dinosaurs like reptiles?
similar skulls, scaly skin. lay eggs
Can a habitat change? How?