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Precipitation (Part 2)
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How does the snowflake form
they form in clouds as they freeze and cluster together in the air with other particles before reaching the ground
Which one of these never reaches the ground? A) rain B) sleet C) hail D) virga
D) virga
Are all snowflakes have the same shape?
No each snowflake has a different shape and a design
Which of these areas has more rainfall? City or a Village (Urban vs. Rural)
City and urban areas
True or False? Can different types of precipitations fall at the same time
True, Rain and snow., sleet and rain
When precipitation that begins to fall from a cloud but evaporates before reaching the surface of earth.
How is snowflakes are different from hailstones?
Because snow flakes are made from air, dust, and water, while hailstones are made simply from freezing water
At what temperature (F) does snow freezes A) 10 B)32 C) 45 D) 100
B) 32 degrees
Why does the rain smell? A) It is made from dust and air which contain smell, B) It falls on the hot ground causing it to release gases C0 all of the above
C) all of the above
True or False? Rain drop is only made from water
False, it also contains other particles (dust, and air)
What happens after water precipitates (falls down) from the clouds to the earth surface?
It accumulates into rivers, lakes, oceans, and seas.
What happens after the water vapor condeses into clouds?
It precipitates back to earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet, or snow
What happens after the water evaporates in the air?
It condenses into clouds, or fog.
Water vapor exists in the atmosphere in these 2 _ _ _ ., _ _ _ _ forms?
clouds and fog