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El Civics - 1900s

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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100. Name two national U.S. holidays
Martin Luther King Jr. day, Memorial Day etc
86. What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?
terrorists attacked the United States
85. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?*
fight for civil rights
84. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
Civil rights movement
83. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?
82. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?
World Wor II
81. Who did the United States fight in World War II?
Japan, Germany, Italy
80. Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?
79. Who was President during World War I?
Woodrow Wilson
78. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s
World War I, WW II, Korean, Vietnam
77. What did Susan B. Anthony do?
fight for women's rights
51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
freedom of speech and religion
50. Name one right only for United States citizens.
voting in a federal election
49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?*
voting, serve on a jury
48. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them
men and women can vote / any citizen can vote / over 18