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USA Water Management

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Name 3 stages of the Toilet to Tap scheme.
Remove debris/reverse osmosis/UV light
What is the name of the treatment scheme in Las Vegas?
Toilet to Tap
In 10 years how many leaks did the underground & water system find in Las Vegas?
How much did the US Government pay to residents in 2014 for pulling up their lawns?
What percentage of your back garden can be grass in Las Vegas?
What percentage of your front garden can be grass in Las Vegas?
How much could you be fined for watering your garden in Las Vegus between 11am & 7pm?
What time could you be fined by the "water cops" for watering your garden in Las Vegus?
Name a casino/hotel that uses 100% recycled water in Las Vegas.
Bellagio Hotel & Casino
Name the plant where Las Vegas water is treated.
Central Reclamation Plant
What do Las Vegas residents install in their showers to make them like a power shower?
How much less water do dual flush toilets use?
What kind of gardens do Las Vegas residents have?
Desert Gardens
Farmers rely on what water for irrigation?
In 2014 how much did tourism generate for Las Vegas?
One word to describe the environment of Las Vegas.
How far away is the plan B pipeline?
How much would the plan B pipeline cost?
What was Las Vegas population 50 years ago?
What is Lake Mead?
A reservoir
How far away is Lake Mead from Las Vegas?
How much will the replacement pipes for Lake Mead Cost?