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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think skiing is (exciting) snowboarding.
more exciting than
My apartment is (small) yours, but it's also (cheap).
smaller than, cheaper
Swimming in the ocean is not (safe) swimming in a pool.
as safe as
The coffee I had this morning was not (good) the one I had yesterday.
as good as
The exam was (easy) I expected.
easier than
She is (talented) artist in our school.
the most talented
The city center is (busy) the outskirts.
busier than
My car is not (relilable) it used to be.
as reliable as
This is (expensive) meal I've ever had.
the most expensive
This is (delicious) cake I've ever tasted.
the most delicious
I think learning Spanish is (difficult) learning French.
as difficult as, more difficult than
He runs (fast) anyone else on the team.
faster than
This phone is not (expensive) the one I wanted to buy.
as expensive as
She is (young) person in our office.
the youngest
The hotel we stayed at was (comfortable) place I've ever been.
the most comfortable
My car is (old) yours.
older than
This restaurant is not (good) the one we went to last week.
as good as
My dog is (big) yours.
bigger than
She is (smart) her sister.
smarter than, as smart as
The mountain we climbed last summer was (high) I've ever been on.
the highest
I think chocolate ice cream is (good) vanilla.
better than
This computer is (fast) my old one.
faster than
The movie we watched yesterday was (bad) I expected.
worse than
This dress is (expensive) the one I bought last month.
more expensive than
This is (beautiful) place I've ever visited.
the most beautiful
He speaks English (good) anyone else in our class.
better than
Swimming is not (difficult) I thought it would be.
as difficult as
She is (talented) musician I know
the most talented