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Adventure Sports

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(PRESENT PERFECT) He ____ ____ (to ride) his bike all the way to school!
Have fallen
(PRESENT PERFECT) You ____ ____ (to fall) off your bike! Are you okay?
Have fallen
(PRESENT PERFECT) They ____ ____ (to fly) here in the para-glider.
Have flown
(PRESENT PERFECT) I ____ ____ (to catch) the flu, I feel sick.
Have caught
(PRESENT PERFECT) The football player ____ _____ (to bleed) from his injury.
Has bled
(PAST SIMPLE) She ____ (to ride) her horse through the countryside.
(PAST SIMPLE) We ____ (to fly) to London in an airplane.
(PAST SIMPLE) She ____ (to fall) over in the playground.
(PAST SIMPLE) I _____ (to catch) the ball in the baseball game.
(PAST SIMPLE) My knee ______ (to bleed) after I fell over at school.
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe kayaking?
E.G. difficult, fun etc
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe mountain biking?
E.G. thrilling, dangerous etc
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe paragliding?
E.G. dangerous, exhilarating etc
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe skydiving?
E.G. terrifying, exhilarating etc
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe rock climbing?
E.G. frightening, exciting etc
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe windsurfing?
E.G. relaxing, fun etc
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe kitesurfing?
E.G. Exhilarating, exciting, fun etc
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
Mountain biking
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
Rock climbing
What sport is this?
What sport is this?
Can you think of 2 adjectives to describe snowboarding?
E.G. Exhilarating, exciting, fun etc
What sport is this?