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RNA Transcription and translation

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What is splicing?
Removing introns from RNA, leaving only the exons.
What will happen to the final protein produced if there is an error in transcription?
The final protein might be changed if a codon is changed to produce a different amino acid. Possibly no effect.
Given the mRNA strand: GUA-GGU-UGG. State the anti codons produced:
Given the mRNA strand: GUA-GGU-UGG. State the amino acids produced:
Given the DNA sequence above, state the resulting mRNA transcribed.
Describe the differences between DNA and RNA?
DNA: double stranded, RNA: single. DNA: Thymine, RNA: Uracil. DNA: Deoxyribose sugar, RNA: Ribose sugar.
Explain what is the central dogma of protein synthesis?
The central dogma describes how genetic information flows through the cell. DNA is converted to mRNA in transcription and mRNA makes proteins in translation.
The peice of code which starts the transcription process?
Promoter sequence
Decribe the difference between introns and exons.
Introns do not produce proteins and are filler code. Exons code for proteins.
Describe the final edits and changes made to a RNA molecule after transcription.
Introns are removed from the strand. A 5' cap and 3' poly-A tail is added to protect the molecule.
What is the goal of transcription?
To convert DNA to mRNA for delivery to another part of the cell.
What is the goal of translation?
To use mRNA code to buildcorrect polypeptide chains.
What is the function of rRNA?
It forms the ribosomes that build proteins.
What is the function of mRNA?
To carry infromation from one part of the cell to another, normally to make proteins.
What is the function of tRNA?
To carry correct amino acids to the ribosome for polypeptide assembly.
The enzyme responsible for building the RNA strand is?
RNA polymerase
Translation takes place in which part of the eukaryotic cell?
Ribosome (Rough ER and cytoplasm)
Transcription takes place in which part of the eukaryotic cell?